The Secret to Excellent Customer Service

?Customer service is our top priority.? How many times have we heard that, and how often is it actually true? Great customer service doesn?t just happen?a company must work hard to achieve it. Here at Acuity National Real Estate Solutions, LLC, we place a special emphasis on making sure our customers receive only the best possible service. Here are some of the principles we follow that have won us a strong base of satisfied, loyal customers:

Listen. Really Listen.

Great customer service is only possible if you actively listen to the voice of the customer. See what they have to say, and tweak your process accordingly. If you don?t listen, there?s no way to know what they want?it is very difficult to put yourself in your customer?s shoes without actually hearing their perspective. So listen to the feedback your customers are giving you. If they have complaints, put some thought into how to change your methods to improve your operations. Ask customers questions?many customers would be more than happy to have their voices heard, but usually they wouldn?t tell you what they think without some prompting.

Craft Your Way of Doing Business to Suit Your Customer?s Needs

Once you talk to customers, you?ll see which touch points are leaving the strongest impression, and you?ll see which changes would have the most positive impact on their levels of satisfaction. Each business has a different customer base, and you should be tailoring your business to yours. Often it only takes minor changes to improve operations and increase customer satisfaction

Go Out of Your Way to Make Your Customers Happy

In an age where much of the business world conducts transactions based on rigid protocols, it can be easy for customers to feel like they are simply a number. It?s your responsibility to make sure that your clients feel appreciated. Going out of your way to make a customer feel special, even if the gesture is minor, is an excellent way to improve your customer?s workday while winning your company points. Anything from implementing a call center that doesn?t go to voicemail, to sending holiday cards, to injecting a little bit of sociability into your interactions can go a long way to winning your customers over.

The bottom line to an improved customer experience is finding out what your customers want and then giving it to them. By going out of your way to make sure that your customers are getting the type of service they want and need, you?ll be setting your company up for the long-term benefits that come from customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Using Technology to Stay Competitive in a Changing Market

Too many people who run title insurance agencies are still processing their transactions using a paper-based system. Unfortunately, by clinging to an outmoded method they are ultimately cheating themselves out of their full revenue stream. In the 21st century, agencies must take steps using technology to remain competitive, or they will lose out to savvier companies.

Going paperless is a major step in the right direction for a title insurance agency. Paperwork can be easily lost or misplaced in a busy office, thus resulting in botched transactions and frustrated employees. Handling and organizing physical documents places an unnecessary administrative burden on staff. By implementing software that allows a user to instantly populate, save, upload, and share a document, the title agency is investing in its long-term health.

Furthermore, completing transactions online is convenient for stakeholders because they will then be able to access all necessary documents whenever and wherever is suitable to them.

Having documents stored securely in a digital format online makes moving through the points in a transaction simpler and saves the time that the parties to the transaction would otherwise spend downloading, uploading, and emailing files. In the title industry, time is money. Every second counts, and it is important to make every step as efficient as possible.

Real estate service providers must meet rigorous credit standards and face brutal competition. Pouring time and money into obsolete methods of processing title orders is not an option, and using pen and paper wastes time and money with every transaction your company completes and gives your clients a diminished customer experience.

It is important not only to choose the right software, but also to make sure that everyone in your office (from the executives on down) knows how to use it to its full effect. Eliminating the paperwork will speed up and simplify your title transactions, and the real estate agents, lenders, attorneys, investors, and other partners you work with will appreciate how easy your transactions have become. So start researching improved software todayand watch your business grow.