February 13th, 2014
As a real estate agent, you probably find that maintaining constant engagement with leads is tremendously valuable for your business. You also probably understand that an important way to achieve this lasting connection is with your website. Here we discuss some ways to really maximize the impact of your website and simultaneously build client engagement by offering free and ongoing information.?
One way to offer free information to potential clients is to have a blog, and to update this blog on a regular basis (very important for your SEO optimization). Now, this blog may be your own commentary, or you may want to provide links on your site to other articles that you think are interesting and trustworthy, especially since there are so many articles out there already written by skilled pros in your industry. For instance, various marketing companies may be a suitable source for linkable blogs.
If you?re considering blog topics, feel free to browse those we?ve already posted on the Acuity website. You can provide cautionary or advisory tidbits of expertise, reflections, updates on what?s going on with your business or sales. For instance, you can bust out an article about tips to guarantee the highest value for your home. A read-through like this would not only attract sellers, but would also keep them coming back to
your for more!
When considering blog topics, it?s important to have articles that are not only for sellers but are also for those interested in buying a home. Some folks out there may browse your site simply to learn more about the real estate business. In all, you should cover enough information to answer all basic questions you can think of and to explore unique topics.
Another effective way of maintaining communication with leads is to produce a newsletter. Doing so, really, can be as simple as giving people an opportunity to regularly read your material through subscriptions via email. The consistency of good quality material should in turn produce more leads for you. Hint?make sure to send the newsletter to everyone on your email list at least once a month to keep them engaged.
Another hint?if the concept of a newsletter is new to you, consider using a template! Do a test run with the template to see how well readers respond to your newsletter. Remember, you can always tweak it here and there as you go along, and soon you?ll learn just what your readers like. As with the realtor website, the newsletter should contain a hybrid of your original material and information gathered from other sources. Eventually, you?ll have the perfect layout.